Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chapter 14- Some Beneficial Therapies In Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a series of changes with it which are not only physical but also psychological. The changes happen over the nine months and are sometimes accompanied by moments of anxiety, stress, fear and fatigue which can prevent. All therapies given below are helping in prevent all this symptoms. Routine practice of this can bring a big beautiful change.


Science behind sun therapy:-
Sun therapy also known as sun gazing or sun bathing. Scientist have conducted that various experiments on melatonin (hormone secreted by pineal gland of human brain) and concluded that intensity of sunlight, spectrum and time effect on health. Those who do not get exposed to sun light may develop physical and psychological disorder. Melatonin plays an important role in helping us fall asleep .however, over production of this hormone leads to laziness. Production of melatonin increases during dark/night and falls during daytime. Melatonin production is affected by intensity of sunlight, while blue and green rays hinder melatonin production, and violet/red rays improve it. Therefore sunbathing act at hormonal level to keep disorder away.

How to practice:-
Wake up early in the morning. Go to the open place when you can see the rising sun without any disturbance. See the sun when it rises, start with 10 sec and increase day by day up to 45 min. same way you can see the sun set. Always see the oblique rays because it is helpful and we can see easily without any problem.

If one do it daily then within a 3 month all his/her mental problems and worries goes off.
If a pregnant lady does this up to 9 month than intuition power of her baby will develop beautifully.
It works on endocrine gland and stimulates it and keeps it in proper function
It improves blood circulation
It helps in eliminating toxins from the body
It helps in synthesis of Vit.D
It improves production of hormones like melatonin and serotonin which are our feel-good hormones.
It increase energy level
Promotes weight loss.


As we discussed before music can be mood improver or stress buster for mother .pre natal music therapy also include a series of activities which stimulate the baby and prompted communication between the mother and baby. During the long wait, music is a channel of communication and numerous rhythmic and sound activities. Let mother prepare for a balanced and serene emotional relationship with their children, as well as adequately stimulate the structural and functional development of fetus’s nervous system. In fact, all stimuli present during the fetus’s growth (internal and external sounds) contribute to the development of the sensory and acoustic pathways, swell as an encouraging the structural and functional development of nervous system. The music which babies like the most however, is produced by mother herself, that is, her voice, the tone and melody of the mother’s voice is vehicle of emotions and feelings, a cares and cuddle of sound. But it is also a way to tell the child that the mother is anxiously waiting for him/her.

Pre natal singing helps the expectant mother to improve her breathing, as well as discover the pleasure of singing for her baby and contributing to its healthy development. Electronic voice phenomenon studies (EVP) carried out by singer a neurologist have shown that voice can fully engage a fetus. In practice the father’s voice engage the fetus from feet to abdomen, while the mother’s voice engages the fetus from waist to head. observations on newly born babies have shown that the child of professional female singers, who sung while pregnancy, showed strength in the neck and upper limbs during birth while child of male singer who sung during partner’s pregnancy showed strength in lower limbs.

Listening to music relaxes, soothes and encourages control over anxiety and helps the expectant mother to create positive and pleasant images, the best music to use is slow, sweet and calm music. Songs that are depressing, full of dissonance and not reassuring, along with songs which could amplify feeling of pain are not to be listened.

Mantra therapy is a unique and wonderful form of therapy in which mantra or sound vibration used to directly work with individuals subtle and physical bodies. Mantra can esoterically be used for a variety of reasons; health and well being is only one way in which this science is used. Mantra can be used to effect change in any area of psyche to eliminate fear; jealousy; depression; anxiety; general inertia and much more. mantra is also one of the most powerful therapy as it do more than help us cope with stress; it make us come alive. unlike chemical stimulants , these spiritual organic are not passively imbibe or ingested, but are actively employed and personally digested in the fire of our soul’s yearning for a connectedness  to the deep pulse of life itself. Even just listening to these spiritual pharmaceuticals can make us feel younger because they connect us to our source. Most important, they are not addictive. We can choose how much and how strongly we want to use them at a given time. Mantra therapy is based on chakra system. Each petal of every chakra corresponds to one of the letters from the Sanskrit alphabet and so when Sanskrit is chanted or spoken, it works directly on the chakra system. Sanskrit mantra activates and massages the chakras and this allows the energy to flow freely through the body.

What Is Mantra
‘’mantra is a Sanskrit word with many shades of meaning:’’ tool of the mind’’ ‘’Devine speech’’ and ‘’language of the human spiritual physiology’’ are just few of these.... Mantra is repetition of words which can be chanted or spoken and the energy of the words carried in vibration of the sound. There are many variation of the Mantra practice. ‘Mantra is the tool for healing problems that we all face in life’’…Mantra is dynamic, individual, nonviolent way to approach condition you wish to change.

Mantra can help you feel more peace. Full or more energized.  It can help you cope with illness and physical healing. It can help you deal with difficult or unpleasant circumstances, by helping you see a course of action or it can give you the patience and perspective to just ‘wait it out’. It can help you bring your wishes to fruition and create reality from your dreams. It is helpful to attract abundance and prosperity; it removes obstacles that are preventing you from moving forward in your life, it brings self empowerment within you.