Saturday, June 11, 2016

Chapter 9 - Mythogical Stories Favouring Garbh Sanskar

There are many Mythogical Stories that favors’ Garbh Sanskar in our history.

Before having Arjun as their child, mother Kunti and father Pandu observed strict celibacy for one full year and also performed devotional service to the lord Krishna and as a result they got a devoted and great personality as their son ; ARJUN.

Vaman Dev’s mother Aditi performed PAYO Varta austerity having only milk as a food / source of energy for 12 days and intensely serving to the devotees and to the lord. And Mune Kayshyapa also have performed austerities for many years observing celibacy as a result they got Vaman Dev as their child.
But Aditi became lusty and forced Muni Kashyap to have conception in improper time without observing any austerities and as a result, they got demons like Hiranakashipu and Hiranyaksh as their children.

This story of Mahabharata is very known almost too all Indian. Abhimanyu was son of Arjun and Subhadra. He is one of greatest warier in Mahabharata and a legendary figure. His education began while he was in his mother’s womb. He overheard Arjuna telling Subhadra the secrets of how to enter, exit, and destroy various battle formations. Of these, it is of note, that he only heard how to enter (but not exit or destroy) the secret of the chakravyuh formation as Subhadra fell asleep and thus Arjuna didn’t complete his explanation. Abhimanyu inherited both courage and fighting ability from his father. Abhumanyu participated in the Mahabharta war when he was sixteen year old. In absence of Krishna and Arjun, Ahimanyu was obliged to break through the cakravyuh, the wheel-formation of the kaurva army, which he did and became the biggest warrior of his century and for the years to come. Abhimanyu possessed incomparable courage, valor and fighting ability. He was considered to be a warrior equal or perhaps superior to his father (Arjuna) owing to his prodigious feats.

Prahlad was son of demon’s king Hiranakyashipu and Kayadhu. Hiranyakashipu didn’t like any kind of spiritual inclination but mother Kayadhu is quite religious. Prahlad while being in his mother’s womb got to hear Narada’s chants as a result of which, he was devoted towards Lord Vishnu.

Hanuman was born to the Vanaras. His mother Anjana and Father Kesari prayed Shiva for a child. Anjana performed intense prayers lasting 12 long years to Shiva to get a child. And this is why Hanuman was so powerful and devoted to Rama so much.

In RAMAYANA, it is stated that King Dasharatha of Ayodhya performed the ritual called Putrakamesthi Yagna in order to have children. As a result, he received some sacred pudding to be shared by his three wives, leading to the births of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna.

In Chadogya Upanishad, it is mentioned that in Rishi Uddalaka’s vedshala, there was a best disciples of him was Kahola. Uddalaka was so pleased with him that he had his daughter Sujata married to him. When Sujata got pregnant, she had the desire of wanting her child to imbibe spirituality and intelligence. She began to sit in the classes taught by Uddalaka and Kahola, listening to their chanting of Vedic Mantras. One day, as Kahola was reciting the Vedas within the hearing distance of the child growing in the womb. The embryo was aware of the correct pronunciation of every syllable since his mother used to attend classes with rapt attention. The embryo heard the recitation but whenever Kahola pronounced a syllable wrong, it squirmed in distress. The embryo informed Kahola that he had pronounced the syllable wrongly as indicated by the child in the womb. This happened on eight occasions. Kahola perceived this as arrogance on the part of something, yet to manifest itself in the word. He cursed the fetus with eight deformities of the body. when the baby was born, it was crooked in eight places-two feet, the two knees, the two hands, the chest and the head and so he was names as Asthavakra means one having eight bends but because he hear Vedas in womb and having a great knowledge of Vedas he instructed king Janaka about the self. This teaching forms the content of as the ASTHAVAKRA GITA or ASTHVAKRA SAMHITA.

In India, there was belief  in ancient time that when expectant mothers expose themselves to spiritual teaching, the child in the womb hears it and gathers that knowledge and become genius in that spiritual area after birth. Nowadays our scientist also believes that child’s brain working is a receptor while in embryo and can remember whatever is given for whole of his / her life.

1 comment:

    In India, there was belief in ancient time that when expectant mothers expose themselves to spiritual teaching, the child in the womb hears it and gathers that knowledge and become genius in that spiritual area after birth. Nowadays our scientist also believes that child’s brain working is a receptor while in embryo and can remember whatever is given for whole of his / her life.
