Sunday, June 26, 2016

Chapter 11 - What We Can Do During Pregnancy

Now, as you all know that GARBH SANSKAR is all about keeping yourself in a good state emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually for the sake of your growing baby. And for that, what we should do during pregnancy is a question now.  Here is the answer - We can do many things for making pregnancy happier, healthy and smooth.
Let’s start with our thoughts.


Each and every human have good and bad days, ups and downs in their life. But who can be remaining stable in that situation are called genius. All game is of thought only who can think positive will overcome badly of the bad situation and who cannot will lose everything. So try to remain positive in pregnancy. In this phase your hormones makes you more emotional than usual so if you want to stress free throughout, than only you can help yourself by thinking good. Do the work more you like the more this can help you to get busy and feed your mind with pleasure.

 Just decide to replace every negative thought that enter in your mind with positive thought. Every single thought, doesn’t matter what it is. Whether it’s about money, relationship, appearance, self-esteem, or pregnancy. Try to turn every single negative thought into positive. Insted of saying ‘’I m too weak to handle the pain, say ‘’I am strong and capable to overcome anyhow.’’


Don’t force yourself to do anything which you don’t like. Remember that you are passing your feelings to your baby. So any activities you are doing by force and you don’t like, make a negative impression on your baby.
If it is reading than read the educational books or other books which gives you more knowledge or some religious books. Whatever you read with the full interest will pass on to the child weather it is spiritual, motivational, self help, tourism, cooking, business, fairy tales, romance, poetry or life stories. You can choose any subject of your interest from vast subjects. The only thing is that it should uplift your knowledge.

You can watch comedy movies having happy endings. Watch motivational movies to change your mood. Watch Movie - “THE SECREAT”, which is based upon effect of thoughts on our life.
Listen beautiful songs (avoid sad songs); go for photography and cooking and any other thing which gives you good feeling, joy, enhance your mood in positive way.

Baby can hear the sounds you are listening and also responds to the sound. Researches say that music stimulates fetal development, its brain development and sense of hearing and it can be your stress buster. So, Listening music will benefit you and the baby as well.
Mozart, Bach Music, Soothing Tunes, Sanskrit Shloka, Sitar Tunes, Violin Tunes and Ragas will help your baby’s mental development. Even prenatal listening may give positive result and gives same benefits like prenatal consumption of omega-3 fatty acid.

Music benefits:-

Enhance baby’s attention span
Improves sleep pattern
Increases cognitive development
Sharper language skill

Fact is there may be too many variables to short out the impact of songs and sound including the pitch and tone of voices, dialogue of daily life. Music can affect you’re your baby in a certain way. Some Expert’s studies say there is correlation between music and smarter babies. Learning piano during pregnancy may support child’s spatial reasoning and math’s skills. Researchers, however, do indicate that unborn babies do respond to various rhythmic qualities of music, based on fetal breathing patterns that conform to musical rhythm suggesting music does have a sympathetic effect. Baby can remember that songs and tunes you listen during pregnancy and they react to that tune after birth. Pregnancy shlokas in traditional ragas are good for start. Listening Sanskrit  shloka and songs will sharpen baby’s language skill and pronunciation after birth
Music may make your baby smarter, more creative and more sociable.

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