Monday, July 4, 2016

Chapter 12 - Your Baby Need's Proper Nutrition

Healthy and nutritious food is more important now for the growth of your baby. You should consume more calories and nutrition before getting pregnant so it will help you during first few months as you may have nausea and vomiting in first trimester. Eat the fresh made meal which contains all nutrients in balanced proportion with different tests so you don’t get bored with same food. Try to avoid too much spicy, fermented, caned and food which contain preservatives. Try to eat daily food which contains some grains, fruits, sprouts, vegetables and dairy products.

 Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals in your daily diet while you are pregnant. Eat high FIBER food like bread, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables. Add VITAMIN “C” enriched fruits like oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, lemon, grapefruits and vegetables like cauliflower, brussels, green papers and sprouts.

 Do not diet or don’t try to lose your weight during pregnancy. Both you and your baby need proper nutrition to be healthy. You need more CALCIUM as your growing little one needs a proper amount of calcium to develop. If you don’t take it in proper amount you lose it from your bone mass and may be it leads osteoporosis. so add milk in your daily consumption. You can take other foods which is high in calcium like cheese and yogurt.

Along with calcium, you need more IRON AND PROTEIN as it is important part of hemoglobin. Iron also carries oxygen in muscles and helps them in proper functioning and it helps to increase your resistance to stress and disease, tiredness, weakness, irritability and depression. So ensure that you consume enough iron and protein during pregnancy by eating sprouts, broccoli, sweet potato, lentils, soybeans, rice, pasta, whole grain, peanuts, pumpkin, squash seeds, berries, apricots, dry fruits grapes, plums, oranges, watermelon, and raisins.

Food craving during pregnancy is very normal. so if you have urge for certain food go ahead and indulge your craving if it provides energy and essential nutrients but try to eat more balanced diet in your daily routine during pregnancy. And yes don’t forget to take plenty of WATER.


  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine or caffeine containing drinks
  • Artificial sweeteners and food colors
  • Unpasteurized cheese or soft cheese
  • Tobacco and cigarette smoking
  • Try to avoid too salty, spicy and fried food and food which contain more cholesterol.



  1. I am agree with you Nutrition is an important critical factors in health and child brain development. I think for proper nutrition and brain development we need to find lebenswert formula . It is specially important for new born baby.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What an awesome website I have found today, which is actually a tech diary of Dr. Neha Movaliya! In this blog Dr. Neha has given more attention on Healthy and nutritious food for the growth of each single baby. The woman before being pregnant, should follow some rules & take necessary food, nutrition, calories & enough water. She should must avoid Alcohol, tobacco, cigarette & must need to use separate kids cups for her newly born baby.
