Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Chapter 14- Some Beneficial Therapies In Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a series of changes with it which are not only physical but also psychological. The changes happen over the nine months and are sometimes accompanied by moments of anxiety, stress, fear and fatigue which can prevent. All therapies given below are helping in prevent all this symptoms. Routine practice of this can bring a big beautiful change.


Science behind sun therapy:-
Sun therapy also known as sun gazing or sun bathing. Scientist have conducted that various experiments on melatonin (hormone secreted by pineal gland of human brain) and concluded that intensity of sunlight, spectrum and time effect on health. Those who do not get exposed to sun light may develop physical and psychological disorder. Melatonin plays an important role in helping us fall asleep .however, over production of this hormone leads to laziness. Production of melatonin increases during dark/night and falls during daytime. Melatonin production is affected by intensity of sunlight, while blue and green rays hinder melatonin production, and violet/red rays improve it. Therefore sunbathing act at hormonal level to keep disorder away.

How to practice:-
Wake up early in the morning. Go to the open place when you can see the rising sun without any disturbance. See the sun when it rises, start with 10 sec and increase day by day up to 45 min. same way you can see the sun set. Always see the oblique rays because it is helpful and we can see easily without any problem.

If one do it daily then within a 3 month all his/her mental problems and worries goes off.
If a pregnant lady does this up to 9 month than intuition power of her baby will develop beautifully.
It works on endocrine gland and stimulates it and keeps it in proper function
It improves blood circulation
It helps in eliminating toxins from the body
It helps in synthesis of Vit.D
It improves production of hormones like melatonin and serotonin which are our feel-good hormones.
It increase energy level
Promotes weight loss.


As we discussed before music can be mood improver or stress buster for mother .pre natal music therapy also include a series of activities which stimulate the baby and prompted communication between the mother and baby. During the long wait, music is a channel of communication and numerous rhythmic and sound activities. Let mother prepare for a balanced and serene emotional relationship with their children, as well as adequately stimulate the structural and functional development of fetus’s nervous system. In fact, all stimuli present during the fetus’s growth (internal and external sounds) contribute to the development of the sensory and acoustic pathways, swell as an encouraging the structural and functional development of nervous system. The music which babies like the most however, is produced by mother herself, that is, her voice, the tone and melody of the mother’s voice is vehicle of emotions and feelings, a cares and cuddle of sound. But it is also a way to tell the child that the mother is anxiously waiting for him/her.

Pre natal singing helps the expectant mother to improve her breathing, as well as discover the pleasure of singing for her baby and contributing to its healthy development. Electronic voice phenomenon studies (EVP) carried out by singer a neurologist have shown that voice can fully engage a fetus. In practice the father’s voice engage the fetus from feet to abdomen, while the mother’s voice engages the fetus from waist to head. observations on newly born babies have shown that the child of professional female singers, who sung while pregnancy, showed strength in the neck and upper limbs during birth while child of male singer who sung during partner’s pregnancy showed strength in lower limbs.

Listening to music relaxes, soothes and encourages control over anxiety and helps the expectant mother to create positive and pleasant images, the best music to use is slow, sweet and calm music. Songs that are depressing, full of dissonance and not reassuring, along with songs which could amplify feeling of pain are not to be listened.

Mantra therapy is a unique and wonderful form of therapy in which mantra or sound vibration used to directly work with individuals subtle and physical bodies. Mantra can esoterically be used for a variety of reasons; health and well being is only one way in which this science is used. Mantra can be used to effect change in any area of psyche to eliminate fear; jealousy; depression; anxiety; general inertia and much more. mantra is also one of the most powerful therapy as it do more than help us cope with stress; it make us come alive. unlike chemical stimulants , these spiritual organic are not passively imbibe or ingested, but are actively employed and personally digested in the fire of our soul’s yearning for a connectedness  to the deep pulse of life itself. Even just listening to these spiritual pharmaceuticals can make us feel younger because they connect us to our source. Most important, they are not addictive. We can choose how much and how strongly we want to use them at a given time. Mantra therapy is based on chakra system. Each petal of every chakra corresponds to one of the letters from the Sanskrit alphabet and so when Sanskrit is chanted or spoken, it works directly on the chakra system. Sanskrit mantra activates and massages the chakras and this allows the energy to flow freely through the body.

What Is Mantra
‘’mantra is a Sanskrit word with many shades of meaning:’’ tool of the mind’’ ‘’Devine speech’’ and ‘’language of the human spiritual physiology’’ are just few of these.... Mantra is repetition of words which can be chanted or spoken and the energy of the words carried in vibration of the sound. There are many variation of the Mantra practice. ‘Mantra is the tool for healing problems that we all face in life’’…Mantra is dynamic, individual, nonviolent way to approach condition you wish to change.

Mantra can help you feel more peace. Full or more energized.  It can help you cope with illness and physical healing. It can help you deal with difficult or unpleasant circumstances, by helping you see a course of action or it can give you the patience and perspective to just ‘wait it out’. It can help you bring your wishes to fruition and create reality from your dreams. It is helpful to attract abundance and prosperity; it removes obstacles that are preventing you from moving forward in your life, it brings self empowerment within you.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Chapter 13-Yoga Pranayama and Meditation

Daily practice of YOGA and PRANAYAMA will help you carrying weight and being calm and peaceful throughout pregnancy. Yoga will increase the flexibility of your body muscles which will help to reduce cramps and back pain during pregnancy and it will help in ensuring easier labor and smooth delivery. It can help to keep your mind and body healthy and minimize common pregnancy symptom like morning sickness, constipation and backache. You can practice all yoga posture while you are planning for pregnancy but during pregnancy you have to take some precautions.
For the first trimester, standing poses are advised as it will help strengthen the legs, enhance circulation, generate energy and reduce leg cramps. During second and third trimester, reduce time of practicing yoga and asana to prevent fatigue and overwork and focus more on breathing and meditation. Do not over stretch the abdomen and other difficult poses in last stage of pregnancy. Listen to your body and do as much easily as you can.

You may practice this poses during pregnancy ;

  • Sukhasan
  • Shoulder lifts
  • Neck exercise
  • Ujjayi breathing
  • Full yogic breathing
  • Bhramri
  • Cat pose
  • Vajrasana
  • Mountain pose
  • Konasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Veerbhadrasana
  • Gentle butterfly
  • Viptrikarani
  • Savasana
  • Yognindra
  • Nadisodhan pranayam

Meditation is a very important part of YOGA as well as Garbh Sanskar. It helps to give you peace of mind and improve your concentration. Meditation simply means doing nothing or deep mental relaxation. You can achieve this stage through stimulating and relaxing different parts of brain with physical movement, body awareness and mental auto-suggestion. Meditation is for release of the tension in the brain, so that the subconscious part of the mind can be accessed. This is achieved by accessing and harmonizing various parts of the brain.

1. Through Physical Movement.

Every cell of body is connected to the brain through nerve endings. By moving different parts of the body, the brain is able to feel where the body is. Moving the body part one by one, connection is made across the whole surface of the brain.

2. Through Body Awareness And Mental Auto-Suggestion.

Mentally relax the body part by part starting from toes all the way up to the scalp and brain itself.

3. through witnessing the thought forms.

Finally the practitioner floats between the conscious and the sub conscious by being a witness to the thoughts, the breath, and the body. You have to remain in the witness state as long as you like
It will help you to become more aware of your body, cope with tiredness and lack of sleep, relax and reduce stress and anxiety. It is believed that you are helping your baby in same way. Once you are in full relaxed stage you may suggest to your mind, you can visualize your baby and with each breath think of all the wonderful experiences you want to share with the baby this brings you joy and help you to connect with your growing baby. You can give suggestion to. You can visualize the way she looks, behave etc... this stage only you can talk with your baby and connect with him. In garbh sanskar we called It as ‘’shishu samvad’’.

While you go for Meditation

  • Choose a place that is calm and quiet, where you are unlikely to be disturbed. If you are indoors, make sure the room is aired.
  • It’s best not to meditate after a heavy meal or when you are tired.
  • Follow a set routine. Start meditating for just a few minutes at a time and gradually increase the length of your session.
  • Don’t worry if your mind wanders, just gently bring it back. Visualise any unwanted thought like cloud flying away.

You can do even yoga nindra. It is yogic deep relaxation, it is very effective for reduce physical stress and mental stress. In yoga nindra you tap into the subconscious mind. In this stage your mind works as fertile soil it receives fully whatever it is given it does not analyze or refuse any idea or information. One is able to release unwanted damaging, distracting and disturbing thought patterns. Deep seated anxieties and worries dwindle away. Stress relief and physical relaxation of any muscle tension are natural benefits.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Chapter 12 - Your Baby Need's Proper Nutrition

Healthy and nutritious food is more important now for the growth of your baby. You should consume more calories and nutrition before getting pregnant so it will help you during first few months as you may have nausea and vomiting in first trimester. Eat the fresh made meal which contains all nutrients in balanced proportion with different tests so you don’t get bored with same food. Try to avoid too much spicy, fermented, caned and food which contain preservatives. Try to eat daily food which contains some grains, fruits, sprouts, vegetables and dairy products.

 Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals in your daily diet while you are pregnant. Eat high FIBER food like bread, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables. Add VITAMIN “C” enriched fruits like oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, lemon, grapefruits and vegetables like cauliflower, brussels, green papers and sprouts.

 Do not diet or don’t try to lose your weight during pregnancy. Both you and your baby need proper nutrition to be healthy. You need more CALCIUM as your growing little one needs a proper amount of calcium to develop. If you don’t take it in proper amount you lose it from your bone mass and may be it leads osteoporosis. so add milk in your daily consumption. You can take other foods which is high in calcium like cheese and yogurt.

Along with calcium, you need more IRON AND PROTEIN as it is important part of hemoglobin. Iron also carries oxygen in muscles and helps them in proper functioning and it helps to increase your resistance to stress and disease, tiredness, weakness, irritability and depression. So ensure that you consume enough iron and protein during pregnancy by eating sprouts, broccoli, sweet potato, lentils, soybeans, rice, pasta, whole grain, peanuts, pumpkin, squash seeds, berries, apricots, dry fruits grapes, plums, oranges, watermelon, and raisins.

Food craving during pregnancy is very normal. so if you have urge for certain food go ahead and indulge your craving if it provides energy and essential nutrients but try to eat more balanced diet in your daily routine during pregnancy. And yes don’t forget to take plenty of WATER.


  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine or caffeine containing drinks
  • Artificial sweeteners and food colors
  • Unpasteurized cheese or soft cheese
  • Tobacco and cigarette smoking
  • Try to avoid too salty, spicy and fried food and food which contain more cholesterol.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Chapter 11 - What We Can Do During Pregnancy

Now, as you all know that GARBH SANSKAR is all about keeping yourself in a good state emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually for the sake of your growing baby. And for that, what we should do during pregnancy is a question now.  Here is the answer - We can do many things for making pregnancy happier, healthy and smooth.
Let’s start with our thoughts.


Each and every human have good and bad days, ups and downs in their life. But who can be remaining stable in that situation are called genius. All game is of thought only who can think positive will overcome badly of the bad situation and who cannot will lose everything. So try to remain positive in pregnancy. In this phase your hormones makes you more emotional than usual so if you want to stress free throughout, than only you can help yourself by thinking good. Do the work more you like the more this can help you to get busy and feed your mind with pleasure.

 Just decide to replace every negative thought that enter in your mind with positive thought. Every single thought, doesn’t matter what it is. Whether it’s about money, relationship, appearance, self-esteem, or pregnancy. Try to turn every single negative thought into positive. Insted of saying ‘’I m too weak to handle the pain, say ‘’I am strong and capable to overcome anyhow.’’


Don’t force yourself to do anything which you don’t like. Remember that you are passing your feelings to your baby. So any activities you are doing by force and you don’t like, make a negative impression on your baby.
If it is reading than read the educational books or other books which gives you more knowledge or some religious books. Whatever you read with the full interest will pass on to the child weather it is spiritual, motivational, self help, tourism, cooking, business, fairy tales, romance, poetry or life stories. You can choose any subject of your interest from vast subjects. The only thing is that it should uplift your knowledge.

You can watch comedy movies having happy endings. Watch motivational movies to change your mood. Watch Movie - “THE SECREAT”, which is based upon effect of thoughts on our life.
Listen beautiful songs (avoid sad songs); go for photography and cooking and any other thing which gives you good feeling, joy, enhance your mood in positive way.

Baby can hear the sounds you are listening and also responds to the sound. Researches say that music stimulates fetal development, its brain development and sense of hearing and it can be your stress buster. So, Listening music will benefit you and the baby as well.
Mozart, Bach Music, Soothing Tunes, Sanskrit Shloka, Sitar Tunes, Violin Tunes and Ragas will help your baby’s mental development. Even prenatal listening may give positive result and gives same benefits like prenatal consumption of omega-3 fatty acid.

Music benefits:-

Enhance baby’s attention span
Improves sleep pattern
Increases cognitive development
Sharper language skill

Fact is there may be too many variables to short out the impact of songs and sound including the pitch and tone of voices, dialogue of daily life. Music can affect you’re your baby in a certain way. Some Expert’s studies say there is correlation between music and smarter babies. Learning piano during pregnancy may support child’s spatial reasoning and math’s skills. Researchers, however, do indicate that unborn babies do respond to various rhythmic qualities of music, based on fetal breathing patterns that conform to musical rhythm suggesting music does have a sympathetic effect. Baby can remember that songs and tunes you listen during pregnancy and they react to that tune after birth. Pregnancy shlokas in traditional ragas are good for start. Listening Sanskrit  shloka and songs will sharpen baby’s language skill and pronunciation after birth
Music may make your baby smarter, more creative and more sociable.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Chapter 10 - Growth of Baby in Womb


Baby’s sex, eye, hair colour, facial features, height and other inherited parameters are determined and the baby’s size is of approximately 2mm in the first month.

A tiny hears begins to be at around end of first month. Facial, eye muscles, eyelids, fingerprints also begin to develop. Baby now grows inside a sac formed by a thin membrane. over the next few months, this sac gets filled with warm fluid in which baby floats. Baby’s lungs start getting formed and the brain, spinal cord, basic facial features, arms, legs stars to grow.

Finger and toe nails appear, head is made up to half of its length. Small amount of hair begin to cover baby’s body. By the end of this month, male reproductive glands in boys and ovaries in girls are formed. But no visible differences in external sex organs are identifiable so far. By end of this month (first trimester), the baby is about 2.5 inches (6 cm) long and weight is about 30gms.


By the end of this month, external sex organs become distinctly either male or female. Growth of the baby’s head slows down compared to the rest of body. Baby grows to about 5 inches (12cm) and weight is about 80gms.

Halfway milestone through the pregnancy is reached in this month and baby’s brain now grows rapidly. Baby moves inside the sac filled with amniotic fluid. Baby’s kidney start producing urine (which forms most of the fluid in sac) and is not harmful to the baby. Baby has more human appearance now and may suck his thumb if it floats up to his mouth. The baby grows to about 7 inches (18cm) and weight about 250gms.


From now on, the baby gains weight relatively more as compared to growing in length. Different organs within the body mature and bones start becoming stronger. Baby’s heart beat is now strong enough to you to clearly hear with a stethoscope. A baby’s heart beats at the rate of about 120 to 150 times a minute and one may feel the baby’s moves. Baby is about 10 inches (25cm) in length and weighs about 500gms.


From this month onward, baby grows about 25 to 30 grams daily. Baby’s eye begins to open a bit, an eyelash grows and it may react to strong light now. Baby’s bone marrow is now in full control to produce blood. Baby grows about 14 inches (35cm in length) and weighs about 1.1 kg.


Baby’s hearing capability is fully developed by now and baby reacts by loud sound. Baby is now able to hear outside voices too.
Baby gets immunity as antibodies from mother‘s blood pass in to baby’s blood. Baby grows to about 17 inches (43cm) and weighs about 1.8 kg.


Baby grows to its full size by now and growth slows down now. Baby’s finger nails are quite long but toe nails are not yet fully developed. Baby is about 20 inches (50cm) in length and weighs about 2.75kg.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Chapter 9 - Mythogical Stories Favouring Garbh Sanskar

There are many Mythogical Stories that favors’ Garbh Sanskar in our history.

Before having Arjun as their child, mother Kunti and father Pandu observed strict celibacy for one full year and also performed devotional service to the lord Krishna and as a result they got a devoted and great personality as their son ; ARJUN.

Vaman Dev’s mother Aditi performed PAYO Varta austerity having only milk as a food / source of energy for 12 days and intensely serving to the devotees and to the lord. And Mune Kayshyapa also have performed austerities for many years observing celibacy as a result they got Vaman Dev as their child.
But Aditi became lusty and forced Muni Kashyap to have conception in improper time without observing any austerities and as a result, they got demons like Hiranakashipu and Hiranyaksh as their children.

This story of Mahabharata is very known almost too all Indian. Abhimanyu was son of Arjun and Subhadra. He is one of greatest warier in Mahabharata and a legendary figure. His education began while he was in his mother’s womb. He overheard Arjuna telling Subhadra the secrets of how to enter, exit, and destroy various battle formations. Of these, it is of note, that he only heard how to enter (but not exit or destroy) the secret of the chakravyuh formation as Subhadra fell asleep and thus Arjuna didn’t complete his explanation. Abhimanyu inherited both courage and fighting ability from his father. Abhumanyu participated in the Mahabharta war when he was sixteen year old. In absence of Krishna and Arjun, Ahimanyu was obliged to break through the cakravyuh, the wheel-formation of the kaurva army, which he did and became the biggest warrior of his century and for the years to come. Abhimanyu possessed incomparable courage, valor and fighting ability. He was considered to be a warrior equal or perhaps superior to his father (Arjuna) owing to his prodigious feats.

Prahlad was son of demon’s king Hiranakyashipu and Kayadhu. Hiranyakashipu didn’t like any kind of spiritual inclination but mother Kayadhu is quite religious. Prahlad while being in his mother’s womb got to hear Narada’s chants as a result of which, he was devoted towards Lord Vishnu.

Hanuman was born to the Vanaras. His mother Anjana and Father Kesari prayed Shiva for a child. Anjana performed intense prayers lasting 12 long years to Shiva to get a child. And this is why Hanuman was so powerful and devoted to Rama so much.

In RAMAYANA, it is stated that King Dasharatha of Ayodhya performed the ritual called Putrakamesthi Yagna in order to have children. As a result, he received some sacred pudding to be shared by his three wives, leading to the births of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna.

In Chadogya Upanishad, it is mentioned that in Rishi Uddalaka’s vedshala, there was a best disciples of him was Kahola. Uddalaka was so pleased with him that he had his daughter Sujata married to him. When Sujata got pregnant, she had the desire of wanting her child to imbibe spirituality and intelligence. She began to sit in the classes taught by Uddalaka and Kahola, listening to their chanting of Vedic Mantras. One day, as Kahola was reciting the Vedas within the hearing distance of the child growing in the womb. The embryo was aware of the correct pronunciation of every syllable since his mother used to attend classes with rapt attention. The embryo heard the recitation but whenever Kahola pronounced a syllable wrong, it squirmed in distress. The embryo informed Kahola that he had pronounced the syllable wrongly as indicated by the child in the womb. This happened on eight occasions. Kahola perceived this as arrogance on the part of something, yet to manifest itself in the word. He cursed the fetus with eight deformities of the body. when the baby was born, it was crooked in eight places-two feet, the two knees, the two hands, the chest and the head and so he was names as Asthavakra means one having eight bends but because he hear Vedas in womb and having a great knowledge of Vedas he instructed king Janaka about the self. This teaching forms the content of as the ASTHAVAKRA GITA or ASTHVAKRA SAMHITA.

In India, there was belief  in ancient time that when expectant mothers expose themselves to spiritual teaching, the child in the womb hears it and gathers that knowledge and become genius in that spiritual area after birth. Nowadays our scientist also believes that child’s brain working is a receptor while in embryo and can remember whatever is given for whole of his / her life.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Chapter 8 - Garbhadhan Sanskara in Srimad Bhagvatam

All Sansakaras in our Vedic scriptures are Important, but more importance is given to Vivah Sanskar and Garbhadhan Sanskar. Here are some of the shlokas of “BHAGVATAM” and “Bhagvad Gita” in reference to garbhadhan sanskar.

The protection of children gives the human form of life its best chance to prepare the way of liberty from material bondage. Such protection of child begins from the very day of begetting a child by the purificatory process of garbhadhan sanskar the beginning of pure life. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM - 1:8:5-Purport)

The culture of human being begins when the father invests his semen in the womb of the mother. According to his status of work, a living entity is placed in a particular father’s semen, and because VIDUR was not an ordinary living entity, he was given a chance to be born from the semen of Vyasa Muni. The birth of human being is a great science and therefore reformation of the act of impregnation according to the Vedic ritual called GARBHADHAN SANSKAR is very important for generating good population. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM- 3:5:19- Purport)

The living entity takes shelter within the semen of a father, which is injected into the womb of a mother and with the help of the mother’s emulsified ovum, the living entity grows a particular type of body. It is to be concluded that while conceiving a child, one’s mind must be very sober and devotional. For this purpose, Grabhadhan Sanskar is recommended in the Vedic scriptures. If the mind of the father is not sober, the semen discharged will not be good. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-3:16:35-Purport)

It follows that any father and mother should also be careful while begetting children. The mental conditions of a child depend upon the mental status of his parents at the time he conceived. According to Vedic system, therefore, the Garbhadhan Sanskar is observed. Before getting a child, one has to sanctify his perplexed mind. when the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of lord and in such a state the child born, naturally good devotee child come; when the society is full of such good population, there is no trouble from demonic mentalities.(SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-3:20:28-purpot)

Too much salt, chilly, onion and similar food is forbidden for the pregnant mother to be careful because the child’s body is too delicate and new for him to tolerate such pungent food. Restriction and precaution to be taken by the pregnant woman, as enunciated in the smriti scriptures of Vedic literature how much care is taken to be getting a nice child in society. The Garbhadhan ceremony before sexual intercourse is compulsory for the person in higher grades of society, and it is very scientific (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-3:31:5-Purport)

The purity of hereditary succession is called amogha-virya. The pious seminal succession in the twice-born families of the Brahman as and ksatriya especially, as well as in families of Vaisya also, must be kept very pure by the observation of the purificatory processes beginning with Garbhadhan Sanskara, which is observed before conceiving the child. unless this purificatory process is strictly observed, especially by the brahmnas, the family descendants become impure, and gradually sinful activities become visible in family.(SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-4:14:42-Purport)

Children begotten under the rules and regulation of the scriptures generally become as good as father and mother, but children born illegitimately mainly become varnasankar. The varnasankar population is irresponsible to the family, community and even to themselves. Formerly the varnasankar population was checked by the observation of the reformatory method called Grabhadhan Sanskara. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-4:27:7-Purport)

According to Vedic system, therefore, before a child is conceived, the Garbhdhan Sanskar is performed. This ceremony molds the mentality of the father in such a way that when he plants his seed in the womb of his wife, he will beget a child whose mind will be completely saturated with a devotional attitude. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-5:2:2- Purport)

As stated in Bhagvad Gita (7.11) dharmaviruddho bhutesu kamosmi; sex not contrary to religious principles is a representation of the supreme lord. People should be educated in how to give birth to good children through sanskaras, beginning with the Garbhdhan sansakar. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM-10:3:33-purpot)

In Vedic civilization, childbirth or pregnancy is never regarded as a burden; rather it is a cause of jubilation and therefore before the birth of child there is Grbhadhan ceremony is celebrated. (SRIMAD BHAGVATAM- 10:7:4 –Purport)