Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chapter 7 - The 16 Sanskars of Life

1. Garbhadhan Sanskar:-
 This is the first sanskar from the prebirth of child. It is prayer for the well being of child. It is more or less seeking the blessings of all the family members, friends, well-wishers and God to get a good child in family. This is performed the day when husband and wife decided to unite for concaving a child.

2. Punsvana Sanskar :-
This is limited to the family. It is performed around the third or the forth month of pregnancy. This sanskar is preformed for welcoming the great soul.

3. Simintonnayana Sanskar :-
Last three months of pregnancy are crucial and that’s why this sanskar is performed during the seventh month. In this sanskar, only women are invited and they give desired food and blessings to would be mother.

4. Jatakarma Sanskar:-
On the sixth or eleventh day after birth, grahpuja is performed in this sanskar as it cleans the atmosphere in the house and child will not get any physical or mental problems.

5. Namkarana Sanskar:-
It can be performed on tenth or eleventh day with the recitation of mantra. The name is decided according to the 212 of 27 nakshtra and the position of the moon at the time of birth.

6. Nishkramana Sanskar:-
This sanskar is performed to give respect to the panchmahbhut - sun, moon, fire, earth and wind. This sanskar is performed when child is taken out of the home for the first time. This sanskar enhance the child’s age and physical and mental growth.

7. Annaprashna Sanskar:-
This sanskar is very important as the child gets the solid food in his mouth first time. Anna (food) is considered as one of the main reason to make a person to commence the good and bad things.

8. Chudakarma Sanskar:-
The chudakarma sanskar is performed on auspicious day after one year. On this sanskar, shaving head bald for the first time is done and a chura is left (lock of the tuft hair) on the head and brahmins chant the mantras for the healthy and long life of child.

9. Karnvedh Sanskar:-
The father feeds honey to the child and pierces the baby’s ear, than butter is applied to the wound. This is performed at the age of five or seven of child.

10. Upanayana Sanskar:-
This changes the life of a child; its “spiritual birth of the child”. After the mother and father, guru plays the most important role in child’s life. In this sanskar the child goes near to the guru and learns the lessons of life. At the age six or nine.

11. Vedarambh Sanskar:-
At the age of 8, child enters the path of spiritual life. The child studies the Vedas and performs the Vedic functions.

12. Samvartana Sanskar:-
This sanskar allows the child to enter in the gruhsatha ashram with permission of guru. This phase of life starts after completing the studies of Vedas.

13. Vivah:-
One finds a life partner and gets married with him/her. In sixteen sanskars, more importance is given to vivah sanskar. In our Vedic scripture and shastra, there is deep description on this holy ritual. It is still applicable in Hindu Sanskruti.

14. Vanprasth:-

Retirement from all work.

15. Sanyasa

16. Antyesthi:-
Performed all ritual by sons and family members after death...

Chapter 6 - Secrets of Life

1. The Secret of birth:-
        How the soul takes body and the criteria for selecting the place and time of birth, type of body and parents are all a secret.
2. The Secret of death:-
        Death is highly guarded secret, death reminds a mystery. The process of separation of spirit from matter and its journey from then is a secret.

3. The Secret of governance:-
        The principal of governing and the principal of maintaining orderliness in creation are secret.
4. The secret of nature:-
         Nature is mystery. The more you know about nature the mystery deepens.
5. The secret of mantra:-
          Mantra is impulses or rhythms of consciousness and their effect influence, method and mode of working are mystery.

1. Space
2. Time
3. Food
4. Past impressions (karma)
5. Associations and action.

1. The place you are in
2. in the body : - eating wrong food, not exercising, over working.
3. Mental restlessness : - caused by ambition, strong thoughts, likes, dislikes etc…knowledge can cure this
4. Emotional restlessness

5. Restlesness of soul :-everything feels empty and meaningless 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Chapter 5 - Choose Time and Day

Hindu Vedic scripture shiv swarodaya mentions favorable and forbidden time for intercourse when someone is planning to conceive. According to this Vedic scripture, before each intercourse couple must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband’s direction and obedience to the demigods. Each intercourse must be carefully planned in advance and not determine by lust. While conceiving a child, both partner’s minds must be very sober and devotional. For this purpose Garbhadhan sanskar is recommended in Vedic scriptures.
The intercourse should not do during day or during sandhya. From end of evening to midnight is the correct time according to ASVALAYANA SMRITI (Vedic scripture),.


Recommended Period - six days after the menstruation period ;
6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th and 16th day for wishing a male child

5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th day for wishing a female child

Forbidden Period - First four days starting from menstruation period and after 16th day


FAVOURABLE TITHIS are 2,3,5,7,10,12,13
Sexual intercourse must also be avoided on days of vrata and fasting such as ekadashi and full moon, dark moon, astami, chaturdashi and on sankranti when sun passes in the new zodiac sign. Other than this when the body is in a weak condition and the days when moon passes through the same nakshtra as at ones birth.


FAVOURABLE DAYS are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
UNFAVOURABLE DAYS are Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday because these days are ruled by malefic planets such as Saturn, mars and sun.


Uttara, uttarashada ,uttarabhadra, mrigasira, dhanistha, hasta, anuradha, rohini, swati, sravana, satabhisha.

Aswini, chitra, punarvasu and pushyami. Remaining twelve asterisms should be rejected.

Bharani, kritika, ardra, alesa, mogha,purvfalguni, vishakha, jyestha, purvasada, purvabhadra


1.      The benefic planets viz.mercury, Venus, Jupiter and the waxing moon should be in 1,4,5,7, 9 and 10
2.      The malefic planets viz. sun, mars, Saturn, rahu/ketu should be in places 3, 6, 11
3.      The lagna may be aspect by the masculine planets, viz. sun, mars and Jupiter
4.      The moon is preferred in the odd sign or odd navamsa.
5.      The birth of daughter is probable, if the moon Venus aspects the lagna.
6.      The prime importance is given to Jupiter’s occupancy of lagna, 5th or 9th.

Malefic planets (Mars, Sun, Saturn) should not afflict the ascendant/lagna, Kendras, trikona, by occupation or aspect, and benefitics, particularly Jupiter should be strongly situated in rash and navamsa charts. Kala Prakashika says it is better if the ascendant and eighth house is free of planets. If the above are considered when choosing a proper time, pleasant union and god offspring are assured.
The man and woman who desire healthy, intelligent, and spiritual child should choose an auspicious day, hour and moment for their intercourse.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Chapter 4 - Exercise & Stress Management

The healthier you are, the healthier your pregnancy and baby will be.
Men and women who are fit and healthy are more likely to have a healthy baby. Proper diet, exercise, stress management and positive attitude are in your hand. Small changes to your lifestyle can make a big impact on your health, fertility and pregnancy.  Mother’s health has a direct correlation with her baby’s health so better to start earliest possible. It’s important to be in good physical state during the days of early fetal development.

Maintaining a healthy weight is one important aspect to increase your conception chances as it will help to improve your fertility. Don’t focus on weight loss. You need to make sure you are nourishing and not depriving. Regular exercise before pregnancy can help you to stay fit during pregnancy.

Do activities that you enjoy like ;
Or anything else which can make you happy and boost your energy level and physical stamina. Do exercise regularly for 30 minutes or at least 3 times in a week.

Sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, feeling exhausting this all is the sign of stress. Our body is highly sensitive and responds to stressful situation. Stress can take its control on the body and affect reproductive system as well it can interfere in both man and woman. Stress can interfere in normal ovulation in woman and drop the sperm count and abnormalities in man. When we stressed cortisol (the stress hormone) level goes up and if this happens for long time than it can upset the balance of other hormones.

Try to identify the cause of stress in your life and try to minimize it.
Relaxation - it will help you to fight with your stress.
Thoughts - have positive thoughts to overcome from negative thoughts.
Meditation - it will help you to connect with your divinity.
Monitor your breath - Whenever you are relaxed your breathing will be calm and when you are anxious it speeds up and will become irregular. It’s well known fact that “every emotion is directly connected with the breathing”. If you change the breath, change the rhythm, you can change the emotion.
Sleep well – Insufficient sleep is the most common cause of Stress. Good sleep is necessary for good physical as well as mental wellness.

Stay healthy stay happy...

Chapter 3 - Pre Planning before Conception

Pre planning is an important aspect. As I mention in previous blog that your child will register every single thing you done in your day to day life. Hence, it is very important to take a view on activity of both partners because the attitude and general world view of both partners will be going to make a deep impression on their child. And for that, happiness, auspiciousness and harmony in your marriage become a first needed thing.

Preparation for conception should start at least before 3 months. One must have to check and change their basic routine activity and have to be more conscious for food, exercise and mental harmony as because good health is most important aspect of getting ready for pregnancy.

Aim of writing this blogs is to provide enough information to make your child healthy, beautiful, intelligent, spiritual, unique, well cultured and highly talented. today we will start with basics of Diet. It is important for both man and woman as they both are equally responsible for conception.


"You should eat a healthy diet with a wide variety of foods so that you will get all needed nutrients."

·         Make sure you get enough folic acid in your diet by eating fortified cereal, beans, peas, citrus fruit, spinach and asparagus. Folic acid helps to protect a baby from birth defect of the brain and spinal cord.
·       High quality protein and law crab diet will help to increase pregnancy rates. You will get it from beans, legumes and soy products.
·         Omega-3 fatty acid is great for baby’s development. So add flax seeds, yogurt, salad and dry fruits in your everyday meal.
·       Calcium - You need more of calcium while in pregnancy. Hence, consume more dairy products.
·         Eat more Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Beans, Rice and Pasta
·         Take more milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts and dry fruits
·         Have plenty of water
·         Try to avoid junk food, smoking and beverages

Eat healthy –live healthy

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Chapter 2 - Need to be little Conscious

Those day are past when we could consider pregnancy as a “nine moth grace period “. Research proves that whatsoever we do even before conception shapes our child in life altering ways. Scientists now recognize that it is during fetal development when the personality begins to form. Circumstances surrounding conception, pregnancy, labor, birth and post partum period have profound influences on lifelong emotional health and well being. Countless fascinating case histories in the scientific literature supports the connection between experience in utero and certain compulsions, behaviors, fears, and fascination in later life. Conception had been planned showed higher level of cognitive capacity and attachment to their parents than unplanned infants.

Parents should know few basics of fetal development hold an important key to their childrens lifelong emotional health and well-being. Parents need to be aware of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors as it all leads an impact on fetus by chemically and energetically.

Scientists now say that a pregnant woman’s moods have a significant impact upon her baby’s brain development in the womb. A pregnant mother’s chronic stress has long term negative effect upon the developing brain of her fetus, including an increased predisposition to depression and a lower tolerance for stress later in life. While the fetus in the womb, its brain seemingly develops in direct respond to its mother’s experience of the world.  If mother is anxious or stressed during her pregnancy, the massage communicated to her baby via stress hormones is that they are in unsafe environment –regardless of whether or not such information is factual. The baby’s brain will actually mutate, or adapt to prepare for the unsafe environment into which it expects to arrive. Chronic stress in pregnancy tends to sculpt a brain suited to survive in dangerous environment.  Quick to react, with reduce impulse control and a depend capacity to remain calm and content. Chronic joy, by contrast, allow for the optimal development of each organ, the brain in particular-predisposing the baby to grater health and serenity. Such traits constitute the foundation of lifelong personality.

Every family member and especially husband should realize how important it is for the pregnant woman to feel supported, loved, and safe. These feelings ensure that their baby can arrive ready to love, to learn, not struggle and fight.

The situation is similar for a Father -to- be. He can contribute to his baby’s optimal development in the womb is to love, support, celebrate and cherish his baby’s mother and to dream of the great and noble qualities he wishes for his child. His perception of life strongly influences his baby’s mother, who will relish his strength, creativity, and sense of hope at this momentous time.

Embrace pregnancy as an honor and to greet your baby as an aware being, registering everything you do and say. This conscious approach to prenatal parenting leads to healthy child development, cultivates early loving relationships toward your unborn child and strengthens your parental and family bonding at the very start.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Chapter 1 - Garbh Sanskar

Hello Friends,
I, Neha am going to write on Garbh Sanskar.
Garbh Sanskar simply means" Educating the child in womb''
We all knows that most of the development of child takes place inside the mother's womb and that's why this period is considered as most most important period for both" Baby and Mother". Most of couples are getting confused while they are planning to have baby by thinking what to do or what not to. Same is the case with woman after getting pregnant, she is thinking all the time what should i do for my baby which is inside womb. She keeps on thinking over what is better, whether its about food she takes, books she should read or any activity she should do in pregnancy. Garbh Sanskar is the beautiful path to educate the unborn baby in womb. Moreoever it is beneficial not only for the baby but for mother also as its goal is promoting physical as well as mental wellbeing of both of mother and fetus.
Now a days our society is being more and more educated and as result of that now all believe that ''PREGNANCY SHOULD BE BY CHOICE AND NOT BY CHANCE'' and so Garbh Sanskar is the only way to plan and manage the whole period of pregnancy. By the knowledge of the principles of Grabh Sanskar, pregnancy becomes enjoyable experience and whole pregnancy period  will pass smoothly without more complications. This Knowledge which I am trying to provide you is really very useful and beneficial. Couples who believe and follow it will be able to get Miraculous Results. all the information I will write here after is collected from my personal experience as a Doctor, Garbh Sanskar Teacher, from well known reputed websites and books.