Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chapter 7 - The 16 Sanskars of Life

1. Garbhadhan Sanskar:-
 This is the first sanskar from the prebirth of child. It is prayer for the well being of child. It is more or less seeking the blessings of all the family members, friends, well-wishers and God to get a good child in family. This is performed the day when husband and wife decided to unite for concaving a child.

2. Punsvana Sanskar :-
This is limited to the family. It is performed around the third or the forth month of pregnancy. This sanskar is preformed for welcoming the great soul.

3. Simintonnayana Sanskar :-
Last three months of pregnancy are crucial and that’s why this sanskar is performed during the seventh month. In this sanskar, only women are invited and they give desired food and blessings to would be mother.

4. Jatakarma Sanskar:-
On the sixth or eleventh day after birth, grahpuja is performed in this sanskar as it cleans the atmosphere in the house and child will not get any physical or mental problems.

5. Namkarana Sanskar:-
It can be performed on tenth or eleventh day with the recitation of mantra. The name is decided according to the 212 of 27 nakshtra and the position of the moon at the time of birth.

6. Nishkramana Sanskar:-
This sanskar is performed to give respect to the panchmahbhut - sun, moon, fire, earth and wind. This sanskar is performed when child is taken out of the home for the first time. This sanskar enhance the child’s age and physical and mental growth.

7. Annaprashna Sanskar:-
This sanskar is very important as the child gets the solid food in his mouth first time. Anna (food) is considered as one of the main reason to make a person to commence the good and bad things.

8. Chudakarma Sanskar:-
The chudakarma sanskar is performed on auspicious day after one year. On this sanskar, shaving head bald for the first time is done and a chura is left (lock of the tuft hair) on the head and brahmins chant the mantras for the healthy and long life of child.

9. Karnvedh Sanskar:-
The father feeds honey to the child and pierces the baby’s ear, than butter is applied to the wound. This is performed at the age of five or seven of child.

10. Upanayana Sanskar:-
This changes the life of a child; its “spiritual birth of the child”. After the mother and father, guru plays the most important role in child’s life. In this sanskar the child goes near to the guru and learns the lessons of life. At the age six or nine.

11. Vedarambh Sanskar:-
At the age of 8, child enters the path of spiritual life. The child studies the Vedas and performs the Vedic functions.

12. Samvartana Sanskar:-
This sanskar allows the child to enter in the gruhsatha ashram with permission of guru. This phase of life starts after completing the studies of Vedas.

13. Vivah:-
One finds a life partner and gets married with him/her. In sixteen sanskars, more importance is given to vivah sanskar. In our Vedic scripture and shastra, there is deep description on this holy ritual. It is still applicable in Hindu Sanskruti.

14. Vanprasth:-

Retirement from all work.

15. Sanyasa

16. Antyesthi:-
Performed all ritual by sons and family members after death...

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