Friday, May 13, 2016

Chapter 3 - Pre Planning before Conception

Pre planning is an important aspect. As I mention in previous blog that your child will register every single thing you done in your day to day life. Hence, it is very important to take a view on activity of both partners because the attitude and general world view of both partners will be going to make a deep impression on their child. And for that, happiness, auspiciousness and harmony in your marriage become a first needed thing.

Preparation for conception should start at least before 3 months. One must have to check and change their basic routine activity and have to be more conscious for food, exercise and mental harmony as because good health is most important aspect of getting ready for pregnancy.

Aim of writing this blogs is to provide enough information to make your child healthy, beautiful, intelligent, spiritual, unique, well cultured and highly talented. today we will start with basics of Diet. It is important for both man and woman as they both are equally responsible for conception.


"You should eat a healthy diet with a wide variety of foods so that you will get all needed nutrients."

·         Make sure you get enough folic acid in your diet by eating fortified cereal, beans, peas, citrus fruit, spinach and asparagus. Folic acid helps to protect a baby from birth defect of the brain and spinal cord.
·       High quality protein and law crab diet will help to increase pregnancy rates. You will get it from beans, legumes and soy products.
·         Omega-3 fatty acid is great for baby’s development. So add flax seeds, yogurt, salad and dry fruits in your everyday meal.
·       Calcium - You need more of calcium while in pregnancy. Hence, consume more dairy products.
·         Eat more Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Beans, Rice and Pasta
·         Take more milk, yogurt, cheese, nuts and dry fruits
·         Have plenty of water
·         Try to avoid junk food, smoking and beverages

Eat healthy –live healthy

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