Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Chapter 2 - Need to be little Conscious

Those day are past when we could consider pregnancy as a “nine moth grace period “. Research proves that whatsoever we do even before conception shapes our child in life altering ways. Scientists now recognize that it is during fetal development when the personality begins to form. Circumstances surrounding conception, pregnancy, labor, birth and post partum period have profound influences on lifelong emotional health and well being. Countless fascinating case histories in the scientific literature supports the connection between experience in utero and certain compulsions, behaviors, fears, and fascination in later life. Conception had been planned showed higher level of cognitive capacity and attachment to their parents than unplanned infants.

Parents should know few basics of fetal development hold an important key to their childrens lifelong emotional health and well-being. Parents need to be aware of their thoughts, feelings and behaviors as it all leads an impact on fetus by chemically and energetically.

Scientists now say that a pregnant woman’s moods have a significant impact upon her baby’s brain development in the womb. A pregnant mother’s chronic stress has long term negative effect upon the developing brain of her fetus, including an increased predisposition to depression and a lower tolerance for stress later in life. While the fetus in the womb, its brain seemingly develops in direct respond to its mother’s experience of the world.  If mother is anxious or stressed during her pregnancy, the massage communicated to her baby via stress hormones is that they are in unsafe environment –regardless of whether or not such information is factual. The baby’s brain will actually mutate, or adapt to prepare for the unsafe environment into which it expects to arrive. Chronic stress in pregnancy tends to sculpt a brain suited to survive in dangerous environment.  Quick to react, with reduce impulse control and a depend capacity to remain calm and content. Chronic joy, by contrast, allow for the optimal development of each organ, the brain in particular-predisposing the baby to grater health and serenity. Such traits constitute the foundation of lifelong personality.

Every family member and especially husband should realize how important it is for the pregnant woman to feel supported, loved, and safe. These feelings ensure that their baby can arrive ready to love, to learn, not struggle and fight.

The situation is similar for a Father -to- be. He can contribute to his baby’s optimal development in the womb is to love, support, celebrate and cherish his baby’s mother and to dream of the great and noble qualities he wishes for his child. His perception of life strongly influences his baby’s mother, who will relish his strength, creativity, and sense of hope at this momentous time.

Embrace pregnancy as an honor and to greet your baby as an aware being, registering everything you do and say. This conscious approach to prenatal parenting leads to healthy child development, cultivates early loving relationships toward your unborn child and strengthens your parental and family bonding at the very start.


  1. Thanku for shairing such a amazing information..

  2. It's very good info.. Also after birth mom has to be calm to get proper milk for the baby to drink .. If the mother is in sad or stressful situation, her milk will react to the baby same way.. So please help mom to be calm and happy!!!
