Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chapter 6 - Secrets of Life

1. The Secret of birth:-
        How the soul takes body and the criteria for selecting the place and time of birth, type of body and parents are all a secret.
2. The Secret of death:-
        Death is highly guarded secret, death reminds a mystery. The process of separation of spirit from matter and its journey from then is a secret.

3. The Secret of governance:-
        The principal of governing and the principal of maintaining orderliness in creation are secret.
4. The secret of nature:-
         Nature is mystery. The more you know about nature the mystery deepens.
5. The secret of mantra:-
          Mantra is impulses or rhythms of consciousness and their effect influence, method and mode of working are mystery.

1. Space
2. Time
3. Food
4. Past impressions (karma)
5. Associations and action.

1. The place you are in
2. in the body : - eating wrong food, not exercising, over working.
3. Mental restlessness : - caused by ambition, strong thoughts, likes, dislikes etc…knowledge can cure this
4. Emotional restlessness

5. Restlesness of soul :-everything feels empty and meaningless 

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